Aqua Expeditions and Jean-Michel Cousteau


Champion of ocean conservation and environmental protection, Jean-Michel Cousteau will be a special guest on Aqua Expedition boats this year and next.

The son of ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau and award-winning producer of more than 80 films, he will be guest on 3, 4 and 7-night cruises on the Mekong and Amazon rivers.

Jean-Michel founded the Ocean Futures Society in 1999 to carry on this pioneering work and to honour his father’s heritage.

During these exclusive departures, passengers will experience the environmentally rich Mekong and Amazon rivers from the perspective of a conservationist and will get to know Jean-Michel in the intimacy of a small group of fellow travellers.

Aqua Mekong’s  maximum capacity is 40 passengers and Aria Amazon carries up to 32. Guests will learn first-hand about Cousteau’s deep experience exploring the Amazon and other remote areas around the world as he champions the cause of environmental conservation and protection. Each voyage will include evening talks with Cousteau, and screenings of several of his award-winning films.

Aqua Expeditions Founder and CEO, Francesco Galli Zugaro  says he met Jean-Michel several months ago and instantly understood they share important common values.

“As we launch our new partnership, it will be a privilege and an honour to be hosting him on these very special departures on Aqua Mekong and Aria Amazon. This special series of cruises introduces an in-depth collaboration between Jean-Michel Cousteau and Aqua Expeditions to highlight the importance of environmental conservation, said Mr Galli Zugaro.

Jean-Michel Cousteau says “The idea of travelling to some of the largest water systems in the world, including the Amazon and Mekong Rivers, evoke a feeling of adventure, exotic beauty and remoteness.

“My hope is to inspire Aqua Expeditions’ passengers to appreciate at an emotional and intellectual level on how we are part of one global water system. We are the only species that can ensure a biologically and culturally rich future for all species. Protecting our water planet now is our gift to the future.”



Aqua Mekong


September 15-19, 2017 (4 nights)

September 19-22, 2017 (3 nights)


February 23-March 2, 2018 (7 nights)

February 23-27, 2018 (4 nights)

February 27-March 2, 2018 (3 nights)

September 14-21, 2018 (7 nights)

September 14-18, 2018 (4 nights)

September 18-21, 2018 (3 nights)

Aria Amazon


February 9-16, 2018 (7 nights)

February 9-12, 2018 (3 nights)

February 12-16, 2018 (4 nights)

October 5-12, 2018 (7 nights)

October 5-8, 2018 (3 nights)

October 8-12, 2018 (4 nights)

Rates for 3-night night itineraries start at US$4350 per person, based on double occupancy, and US$5600 for 4-night departures.

Rates for 7-night voyages start at US$11,150. Each departure is available for individual travellers or as a buyout for full charters.


Learn more about Aqua Expeditions’ cruises with Jean-Michel Cousteau. or contact Aqua Expeditions Australia on 1300 124 204 or [email protected]