See Polar Bears with Ponant

Sighting polar bears in their natural habitat would be one of the greatest experiences imaginable for adventurous travellers. Ponant’s ‘Discovery of the King of the Arctic’ voyage in Spitsbergen/Svalbard, Norway, takes place in July – peak viewing time for these majestic creatures. Why is it ideal? Because the Midnight Sun doesn’t set below the horizon, and the Arctic ice slowly melts. there is less ice than in winter, with the bears in a more concentrated area, hunting the ring seal on drifting pack ice. With more than 3,000 polar bears living around Svalbard, the chance of seeing them is high.
Passengers will also be on the lookout for Arctic foxes, Arctic terns, walruses, whales, puffins and reindeer, who can sometimes be seen wandering the streets of Longyearben – the northernmost town on Earth.
Ponant’s 12-night luxury Spitsbergen/Svalbard voyage starts and ends in Longyearben,  with the cruise departing 16 July and running until 28 July on board Le Boreal.  The 264-guest ship will find it easier at this time of year to navigate this stunning archipelago, with ancient glaciers, jagged mountains and spectacular fjords sure to have your finger running hot on the button of your camera.
With over 20 years of polar experience, PONANT is the world leader in polar voyage expeditions with its fleet of ships all ‘ice certified’, featuring the very latest in maritime technologies and safety. And never fear, like all of Ponant’s ships, the level of French luxury on board Le Boreal will ensure you enjoy exquisite dining, lavish accommodation, beautiful public spaces and a magnificent onboard experience.